Keeping Life Unfiltered as a❘Wife❘Mother❘Adventurer❘& Memory Hoarder

Where is your FOCUS???


How often are we confused on what we should really be focusing on?
Today in yoga class we focused purely on “santosha.” It is the art of being content with your body and your practice.  As I was listening to our bomb 🤙🏻 teacher I started to tear up.  I don’t know if I was just listening with my heart...or if it was just hitting home...but I felt like it was something I should share.
Last weekend I attended a wonderful conference that focused on being yourself.  While I was there I found myself getting upset realizing so many of the speakers spoke about appearances and weight! 🤯
Why are they connected?
Why can’t we just be CONTENT?
For me...and I am sure for most of you...I feel like actually being content with who we are, what we do and what we look like is just to much.
We are constantly being bombarded with pictures of people who are prettier, who are skinnier, who can do this and that better...who might have more money...or who are just plain better at doing something than we are.
News frickin flash ⚡️ people! It will always be that way.  We can’t control how beautiful, successful or talented others are.

The ONLY thing we CAN control or do is to avoid comparing ourselves to others.  You can keep on doing that everyday by being present and practicing contentment with who YOU are. ❤️

I am such a fan of fabletics right now!  They make me feel pretty while I work out, or heck everyday!  Go snag 2 for $24 leggings!  You will be thanking me!

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