Keeping Life Unfiltered as a❘Wife❘Mother❘Adventurer❘& Memory Hoarder

Unicorn Dance Party


So on Wednesday I had a last minute memory I will never forget! I was able to go to a 🦄 Unicorn Magic ✨ Dance Party! It was indeed that! We danced to music I hadn’t heard in forever by an amazing DJ with light up unicorn head, ate delicious mini churros, took pictures with unicorns, met new friends, wore beautiful pastel wigs with a flower crown, attempted to plump our lips, had amazing blackberry ice cream, witnessed women of all ages enjoy partying with complete strangers and not feel any negativity at all!
One of the most touching parts of the night was when a true unicorn warrior herself🙌🏻 @housewife2hostess gave out 3 #GLOWawards✨
She awarded 3 women of our community, that were nominated by a loved one with flowers and swag to make them feel, know and realize they are special!
The @housewife2hostess definitely did not disappoint with our sweets, swag and selfies! I even ended up ankle deep in toilet paper at the end of the night and it was amazing!!! 👌🏻
I will for sure be gathering any hip chick I know and making them go the next dance party!

1 comment:

  1. I am SO glad you came! It is such a fun way to make new friends, dance and have fun with other women.
