Keeping Life Unfiltered as a❘Wife❘Mother❘Adventurer❘& Memory Hoarder

Learning to love yourself & be present!


I feel like lately I have been super down on myself...about my weight, cleaning my house, decorating, making hubby happy, making sure all of my boys get all of the needed attention they deserve and also just in simple everyday tasks.
I am not sure why as women we see the need to compare ourselves to others. Why we dont ever feel like we are enough or why we dont naturally just think positively and see the good.
I feel like it is our natural human instinct to instantly critique ourself and that just isnt okay with me anymore...
I have decided that instead of instantly thinking how terrible I am for maybe forgetting dinner one night...because I was busy that day running errands, cleaning the house and playing with my boys...I am going to praise the little things like; how proud I am that my son is learning to read, that my adorable infant is learning to explore the world around him and smile while doing so, that my awesome preschooler is such a great helper while his big brothers go to school and he prays for them while they are gone or how my oldest just got braces and is going to his first school dance this week.
If we constantly nit pick at ourselves we will never be present for the little things which ultimately are the meaningful everyday moments we tend to miss out on while trying to be supermom!
See the good! Look for the good! Be present for the little memories that your children are making right before your eyes every moment of the day!

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