Keeping Life Unfiltered as a❘Wife❘Mother❘Adventurer❘& Memory Hoarder

Choose to be PRESENT this CHRISTMAS


Today, I was surrounded by those 👆🏻boys I love most.  I was just so overcome with happiness.  They are my why.  They will always be my why.  I am so proud to be apart of their life here on earth, to watch them grow and learn.  Life is insane, crazy and a pretty cool thing we all get to experience...TOGETHER!
• Choose to focus on CHRIST.
• Choose to focus on the SMALL THINGS.
• Choose to focus on the LOVE.
• Choose to focus on the EVERYDAY SMILES.
• Choose to focus on the GOOD.
• Choose to focus on FAMILY & FRIENDS.
• Choose to be PRESENT.

Just a little behind the scenes...


Holiday Family Photo Prep 2019

True story...I had no idea that Brad was filming the entire time.  I kinda like it that way...I almost wish the video could be our Christmas card this year.  I love that my hubby does things like this!  😍

What the final photo will never show is;

- Me yelling at my kids to tilt their head a certain way...or cross their legs (just to see if it looks good).

- Bribing all my boys the BEST hot chocolate if they just sat still for a minute and smiled!

- Lincoln getting up and storming off halfway through because he didn’t want anyone touching him.

- Also, that I kept saying “last one” and we kept taking some more, obviously. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Oh...and we still can’t decide on a final shot because in reality they all turned out a little crazy!  Life is that way though and I kinda like that way.  I usually like the photos that turn out more candid anyway.  It showcases all of my boys personalities!  ❤️  Oh til next year when I once again splurge on matching pajamas, have us all try to smile at the same time and MAKE SURE WE ARE HAVING A GOOD TIME!

What I learned about making friends as a mom!


I feel pretty vulnerable, excited and honestly nervous about being featured on my friend Danielle’s blog...but here goes it!  Here is a little snippet for ya!

“From ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom.  Just like my own amazing mother.  I just knew it was what I was meant to be.  My mother is honestly the coolest person I know!  She had 4 incredible home births, to 4 awesome humans.”